Sergi Gisbert

Senior Sitecore 9.1 Certified developer
Mainly focused on developing corporate WCMS applications, using Sitecore, Kentico or Umbraco systems. Lately, responsible of delivering several Sitecore projects with SXA framework and MS Dynamics CRM synchronization features. DevOps Engineer, setup CI/CD environments with Azure DevOps Build & Release pipelines.

Nowadays, Technical Team Lead at Kagool / Delete


Compilation of both projects I've been involved during my profesional career, as personal and open source projects.


Summary of the relevant facts in both my career, as my education.


My Personal Blog on development and applications. It contains a collection of articles I've written in these years of learning new technologies, and other writings within my profession.

Featured posts


Postman es una herramienta muy útil para probar las peticiones a APIs, tanto si las estamos desarrollando nosotros, como si son de otro proveedor, y poder así testear y comprobar los datos que se reciben en cada llamada. En este post, abordaré cómo incluir tests de validación para comprobar que las llamadas se reciben correctamente y que además, los datos que recibimos cumplen con un determinado schema JSON predefinido.

Sergi Gisbert

Sergi Gisbert Sitecore Architect

Developer by vocation, father by devotion and amateur chef. I even practice some sport in my spare time, mainly tennis, and run away to the mountains for skiing whenever I can.

I enjoy doing things the right way, and get excited with every byte or ms I get cut from websites, applying WPO techniques.

Currently, Technical Team Lead at Kagool / Delete.